"Aggressively flogging a car, but in a manner that stops just short of reckless." Other definitions exclude the just-short-of-reckless part. This post is for fans of just this kind of behavior!
While reading the car blog Jalopnik many months ago, I read of a race in Texas. It had taken place that weekend and from the description I became bummed to have missed it. Not just any race, but one of epic, joyous madness. One that combined questionable judgment, some frugalness and the unadulterated love of speed. From the 24 Hours of LeMons website...
"Each LeMons race is for cars purchased, fixed up, and track-prepped for a total of 500 dollars or less. But before reaching the grid, you'll have to survive trials like the Personal-Injury-Lawyer Anti-Slalom, the Marxist-Valet Parking Challenge, and the Wide Open Throttle Rodthrowapalooza. Twelve hours into the race, the car voted People’s Choice is called in and awarded a cash prize; simultaneously, the car voted People’s Curse is called in and summarily destroyed. At the end of 24 hours, a gala awards ceremony plies the survivors with trophies, plaques, and four-figure purses in canvas bags full of nickels. What's not to like?"
But now the 24 Hours of LeMons has returned again to Texasland. The Houston Gator-O-Rama is one many this year, and the first of two races in the Houston area. All of this takes place at the Mercedes-Benz of Sugarland Road Course in lovely Angleton, TX. The location link at the bottom of this post will show the track on Google Maps.
For those lucky souls going, take lots of picture and enjoy the fumes. I have been told that this is not the way my wife plans on spending her birthday weekend. So, I will just have to wait until October 24 & 25, when all this foolishness makes its way back to the Lone Star state once again.