atlanta blogging
formal news
strange factoids
unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
high-tech gadgets
art and culture happenings
movie news and hollywood gossip
new music
and smut.
Got to see what the home-town team is talking about.
Google News
Early Warning by William M. Arkin
Plastic: Politics, Culture, Point Of View
Fortean Times Breaking News
The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Salon is news with a liberal slant. Memorandum is political news mashed up with responses from the bloggosphere. Early Warnings is a covers the intelligence and information world of the US government. Often provides details on big stories that major news network omit. The Fortean Times, bizarro and fun paranormal/UFO/conspiratorial magazine with an online news feed. Orlin's site... see Fortean Times and add gratuitous nudity.
New York Times Arts
Arts & Letters Daily
ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News
Makes me feel full of good, healthy, civic-minded culture.
Wired News
The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
BBC NEWS Science/Nature
Being a perpetual 10-year-old geek boy, I like hearing about the latest toys and tech. Being much older I can almost afford them. TUAW is a must for my Apple/Mac/iPod news.
Cool Hunting
Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog
Tech/trendy sites covering the latest in what the cool kids are buying. Cool Hunting introduced me to this item which was bought as a Christmas gift for a friend...
The friend being a rocking one bought me this Batman/Christmas-themed shirt (from Threadless T-Shirts) also first seen on Cool Hunting...
Eonline- The Awful Truth
Obscure Store and Reading Room
Daily Rotten: Weird News
Trashy gossip and news stories in poor taste pretty much undoes all the good influence the arts and culture websites do.
Ain't It Cool News
Indie movie news, early info on projects and fanboy rantings about who going to screw up a beloved comic-book to be turned in to a movie.
things magazine
Related/unrelated lists of interesting sites. I wish I could be employed doing what they do.
music (for robots)
ready rock moe rex
Copy, Right?
largehearted boy: a boy, a girl, and his radio
Basic Hip Digital Oddio
When I was 13, I got my FCC broadcasting license and was a summer DJ at WSUC. My love of music really started with my exposure to their huge record library and it continues to this day. All of these sites point me to bands and songs that I would never have heard. Which explains why I have a bitching cover of Donna Summer "I Feel Love" by Cobra Verde, and why I was listening to Album 88 fav Wolf Parade 9 months ago. The MP3 bloggers are internet DJ's exposing people to great music and acting as advocates to bands that may not be otherwise be heard.
beatnik sidearm
In anticipation of moving to Vegas, online research led me to Geoff Carter. The man was our first contact in the city once we arrived and I'm better off knowing him. He now resides in Seattle and dates a roller-derby girl.
Nerve - Scanner
Viviane's Sex Carnival
Rare Erotica
Smut is hard to find online, but these sites cover the naughty bits quite well.
How is it, exactly, that you are posting from THE FUTURE? (January 3, 2007)
Thanks for reading and the nice mention!
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